object SyntAnal75: TLibSyntAnalyzer Formats = < item DisplayName = 'Default' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] FormatType = ftCustomFont end item DisplayName = 'Section' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsBold] BgColor = clYellow end item DisplayName = 'Parameter' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clGray Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsBold] end item DisplayName = 'Value' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] end item DisplayName = 'Keyword' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clNavy Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsBold] end item DisplayName = 'Symbol' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clRed Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsBold] end item DisplayName = 'Comment' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clGreen Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsItalic] end item DisplayName = 'Marked block' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clHighlightText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] BgColor = clHighlight FormatType = ftColor end item DisplayName = 'Number' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clNavy Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsBold] end item DisplayName = 'wdx' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clRed Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] BorderTypeLeft = blSolid BorderColorLeft = clRed BorderTypeTop = blSolid BorderColorTop = clRed BorderTypeRight = blSolid BorderColorRight = clRed BorderTypeBottom = blSolid BorderColorBottom = clRed end item DisplayName = 'spaces' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] BgColor = clActiveCaption end> TokenRules = < item DisplayName = 'Section' StyleName = 'Section' TokenType = 8 Expression = '(?s)^\[.*?\]' ColumnFrom = 0 ColumnTo = 0 end item DisplayName = 'Parameter' StyleName = 'Parameter' TokenType = 2 Expression = '^(pre=|end=|cmd=(\<[^\r\n>]+\>)?|ini=[xXcCqQoOaAkKdDS\#\s1234567' + '89])' ColumnFrom = 0 ColumnTo = 0 end item DisplayName = 'Comment' StyleName = 'Comment' TokenType = 1 Expression = '^\s*;.*$' ColumnFrom = 0 ColumnTo = 0 end item DisplayName = 'keyword' StyleName = 'Keyword' TokenType = 9 Expression = '\$([fvnexzLicCDMYwWdtT*123456789\$]|p([\-\+\*]?[!123456789])?|\#' + '([TAcma]|S[bKMG]?))' ColumnFrom = 0 ColumnTo = 0 end item DisplayName = 'wdx' StyleName = 'wdx' TokenType = 4 Expression = '\$![^\r\n]*\$!' ColumnFrom = 0 ColumnTo = 0 end item DisplayName = 'Float' StyleName = 'Number' TokenType = 6 Expression = '[\d]+\.?[\d]+e[\+\-]?[\d]+|[\d]+\.[\d]+' ColumnFrom = 0 ColumnTo = 0 end item DisplayName = 'Integer' StyleName = 'Number' TokenType = 5 Expression = '-?[\d]+' ColumnFrom = 0 ColumnTo = 0 end item DisplayName = 'Value' StyleName = 'Value' TokenType = 4 Expression = '[^\s\$]+' ColumnFrom = 5 ColumnTo = 0 end> BlockRules = < item DisplayName = 'Section begin' ConditionList = < item TokenTypes = 256 end> EndOfTextClose = True HighlightPos = cpBound CollapseFmt = '%s0' SelfClose = True TreeItemStyle = 'Section' IgnoreAsParent = False end item DisplayName = 'Item filter begin' BlockName = 'Section begin' ConditionList = < item TokenTypes = 4 end> NameFmt = '%s0%s-1 %s-2...' RefToCondEnd = True HighlightPos = cpBound IgnoreAsParent = False end> CodeTemplates = < item Name = 'in' Description = 'ini part' Code.Strings = ( 'ini= ') Advanced = True end item Name = 'io' Description = 'ini ] define output' Code.Strings = ( 'ini=o ') Advanced = True end item Name = 'ix' Description = 'ini ] Execute (append output file)' Code.Strings = ( 'ini=x') Advanced = True end item Name = 'ixx' Description = 'ini] Execute with parameters' Code.Strings = ( 'ini=X $-') Advanced = True end item Name = 'ic' Description = 'ini ] codepage' Code.Strings = ( 'ini=C ') Advanced = True end item Name = 'ia' Description = 'ini ] define output file append mode ' Advanced = True end item Name = 'ik' Description = 'ini ] Keep File' Advanced = True end item Name = 'id' Description = 'ini ] Delete file (append mode)' Advanced = True end item Name = 'it' Description = 'ini ] datetime format' Code.Strings = ( 'ini=# ') Advanced = True end item Name = 'iq' Description = 'ini ] do not quote' Code.Strings = ( 'ini=q') Advanced = True end item Name = 'iqq' Description = 'ini ] do not quote more' Code.Strings = ( 'ini=Q') Advanced = True end item Name = 'pr' Description = 'preparation part' Code.Strings = ( 'pre=') Advanced = True end item Name = 'en' Description = 'ending part' Code.Strings = ( 'end=') Advanced = True end item Name = 'cc' Description = 'command part' Code.Strings = ( 'cmd=') Advanced = True end item Name = 'cf' Description = 'command for file' Code.Strings = ( 'cmd=') Advanced = True end item Name = 'cd' Description = 'command for folder' Code.Strings = ( 'cmd=') Advanced = True end item Name = 'ce' Description = 'Command for non existing file/folder' Code.Strings = ( 'cmd=') Advanced = True end item Name = 'cre' Description = 'Command RegEx filter on extension' Code.Strings = ( 'cmd=<>') Advanced = True end item Name = 'crf' Description = 'command RegEx on full filename' Code.Strings = ( 'cmd=>') Advanced = True end item Name = 'crp' Description = 'Command RegEx on file path' Advanced = True end item Name = 'crz' Description = 'command RegEx on file name' Advanced = True end item Name = 'crn' Description = 'command RexEx on file name + extension' Code.Strings = ( 'cmd=>') Advanced = True end item Name = 'f' Description = '$ full file name' Code.Strings = ( '$f') Advanced = True end item Name = 'fp' Description = '$ file path' Code.Strings = ( '$p') Advanced = True end item Name = 'co' Description = 'Command for odd entries (internal counter)' Code.Strings = ( 'cmd=') Advanced = True end item Name = 'cp' Description = 'Command for pair entries (internal counter)' Code.Strings = ( 'cmd=') Advanced = True end> SubAnalyzers = <> SampleText.Strings = ( ';Comment' '[ScriptName]' '; Counter start at 1 and step by 3' ';Script initialization' #9 'ini= 1 3' 'pre=@echo OFF ' 'pre=echo passed parameters are $* ' 'cmd=@Do for every file' '; Select file by extension !' 'cmd=@echo I'#39'm an proggy' '; Select file by type (Error, Simple File, Directory)' 'cmd=@echo "$f do not exist !' 'cmd=@echo $f is a File' 'cmd=@echo $f is a Directory' ';Select file using regex on Topic ' '; f? path + name' '; p? path' '; e? extension' '; z? name without extension' '; n? file name' 'cmd=@echo the winner file name start by w and ends by n' ';WDX test' 'cmd=@echo $!l $! $p*3') TokenTypeNames.Strings = ( 'Unknown' 'Comment' 'Parameter' 'Symbol' 'Value' 'Integer const' 'Float const' 'Hex const' 'Section' 'Keyword' 'wdx' 'filter') MarkedBlockStyle = 'Marked block' DefaultStyleName = 'Default' Extentions = 'ini tcbl' LexerName = 'TCBL files' SkipSpaces = False RestartFromLineStart = True Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Left = 144 Top = 184 end